COST: £50,000. OPENED: 2022

One of the very first projects funded by the Lotus Flower Trust through People Positive was a small residential school for young boys/monks in the remote village of Shushakul. Education facilities in this area are very poor and families often send their boys to the monastery for their education. Here they learn the Indian curriculum as well as the Buddhist Dharma, dressed in Buddhist red robes. Whilst closely associated with the monastery, the boys are able to return to civilian life at the age of 18, should they decide not to become monks.  

The school has more than 40 boys and the old building could not accommodate them all. LFT was asked to fund the building of a hostel, constructed in the Rammed Earth Technique, to increase the capacity and comfort for the boys as well as allowing space for girls to attend. Included in this project is an upgrade and extension of the current washing and toilet facilities which were unhygienic and inadequate for the growing number of children and adults using the school. Thanks to a generous private funder, building work for the hostel and toilet/washing facilities has begun and we hope will be completed by the end of the year.